Auto Insurance, commercial auto, Contractors Insurance, general insurance, general liability, Homeowner's Insurance, Small Business Insurance, trucking, Trucking

P&C Insurance Premiums Steadily Rising in 2018…

As losses occurred heavily in 2017 in the area of P&C coverage, Insurance premiums are bound for increases as the companies try to get a hold of major loss impacts.

Underwriters are feeling tremendous pressure to make up for these impacts, as this will make the market uneasy but is unavoidable buyers are encouraged to start cataloging positive differentiators of their risk… which isnt a bad idea as mentioned in the Insurance Journal article above.

How will these increases change the way your business is operating?

Is it time to shop around your insurance policy? or time to study it and make sure your not paying too much by being over insured?

Auto Insurance, commercial auto, Contractors Insurance, general insurance, general liability, Homeowner's Insurance, Small Business Insurance, trucking, Trucking

In the world of trucking and more…

As China and the United States go back and forth it is looking like the start of a feud as these two power houses nudge the other into increasing tariffs on goods.

Trucking recruitment is not where it needs to be, and as freight shipment is in a strong demand, things could get worse but they are bound to get better for truckers.

and emission rules creating an not leveled operating ground for the world economy as countries rules vary…

Three pieces to the puzzle showing great growth in the economy and with resolutions to these issues will lead to a better flow globally.

Read the Wall Street Journals article linked above to find out more.

commercial auto, general insurance, general liability, Saberlines Insurance Services Blog Post, Small Business Insurance, Trucking

Truckers fighting Trump about changes…

It was odd seeing all these rules take effect from the point of idea to implementation but is it okay to focus on fighting back?

The regulation seems to create safety on the road more than inhibit the driver from making good money, in reality it might just be the push in the right direction so drivers dont have to risk their safety or the safety of others on the road.


  1. ELDs take away time wasting paperwork and allow for more balanced time off.
  2. With regulation in one area of industry it usually creates ripples to better other parts of it, like truckers pay.
  3. Having more transparency will insure the right kind of economic stimulation and less focus on the wrong kinds.

Those three are just some points to consider but there is a lot more to consider about the obvious improvements these devices and rules will make.